
Our students and teachers will be Warriors of the Planet to lead Sustainability.

We will forge industry-partnerships at an international level.

We will provide a nurturing environment to create great entrepreneurs and globally employable ITI graduates.

At least a third of our graduates will be women.

Our Physical, digital and intellectual infrastructure will be among the best in the country.

To reorient technical education, which shall be relevant to the real modern world of work, attractive & suitable to the student, responsive to the modern world industry and connected to the community / society at large. There is a conventional reason to our unconventionality. Modern business demands quickness of mind and action. System by themselves do not deliver, people do. As people led skills and initiatives like spirit, flexibility delegating responsibilities etc. and leaders at every level. ITI Sonepur is initiating training and research towards the need of all the sectors and establish the link between the national economic planning and development through skilled workforce require for different industrial oragnisation on our Country. As a training institute our vision is to develop a three dimensional personality in our student Viz